Dustin Plotnick
As a fellow, Dustin interned in the Economic Research division at the Israel Securities Authority. His first-year research focused on liquidity at heterogeneous trade sizes in the Israeli corporate bond market, while his second-year research focused on business group firms, specifically executive social networks, insider trading and “tunneling” in Israel.
Prior to the Milken Fellows Program, he was a research assistant for Professor Aparna Labroo at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. In this role, he was actively involved in several psychology/marketing studies focusing on associative memory and encoded statistical data.
During his studies, Plotnick played for the table-tennis team, tutored grade-school students in math and reading, and wrote commentary for several campus publications.
Originally from Philadelphia, Plotnick received his B.A in economics from the University of Chicago and his M.A. in law from Fordham University.
Currently, he is law intern at Allen & Overy in Pennsylvania,USA.