• "The relationship between the financial sphere and innovation is key to enhancing growth across sectors, especially in environmental economics. The Milken Fellowship Program is one of the few that train young professionals in governmental offices while exposing them to the connectivity between these fields. I highly recommend the program to those wishing to create a real impact."

    Hovav Alaster, Class 2020-2021
    Hovav Alaster, Class 2020-2021 Curently working at the Chief Economist Office, Ministry of Finance
  • "The Fellowship Program, and its placement in the Chief Economist Division of the Ministry of Finance, provided me with an exceptional opportunity to take part in the heart of economic action to address the corona crisis, support policy formulation under conditions of uncertainty through knowledge and data, and be exposed to decision-making processes at the highest levels. The professional development and opportunities for learning as a Fellow in the Ministry of Finance with the combination of the training and mentoring of the Fellow Program staff, exposed me to diverse areas of knowledge, helped me acquire vital soft skills and helped me develop my network. Faced with a rapidly changing job market, and given the increasingly complex policy challenges of the future, I have no doubt that the toolbox I take with me from participating in the program will be a significant step in the process of designing and developing my professional and personal path".

    Merav Kaplan, Class 2020
    Merav Kaplan, Class 2020 Currently working at the Chief Economist Office, Ministry of Finance
  • "The Fellows program equipped me with both high-level theoretical training as well as the skills necessary to apply and implement what I've learned. The best thing about the program is that it places you a critical decision-making environment at the Israeli government. Exposed to the inner workings of policy implementation, not only did I broaden my skills and knowledge, but I got to do it with an amazing group of people while meeting and working with extraordinary professionals. There is no doubt that in this kind of ecosystem, the program gives to its fellows a once in a lifetime experience that reverberates for many years to come."

    Omri Carmon, Class 2015
    Omri Carmon, Class 2015 Currently working Deputy Director of Urban Resilience at the Tel Aviv - Jaffa Municipality
  • "The Fellows Program opened for all of us a window into public service, a rare opportunity to explore, implement, expand our horizons, and perhaps most importantly do all this with an amazing group of people. The success of the program is actually our success, Fellows and alumni, take the knowledge gained and continue to have a positive effect on the Israeli public each and every one in his own respective fields. The alumni network which is developing and evolving is another important element indicating a further stage in the development of the center and will be the platform for further cooperation. "

    Noa Litmanovitz, Class 2013-2014
    Noa Litmanovitz, Class 2013-2014 Currently, Senior Director of Economics for Public Transportation
  • “What I’ve learned since I joined theProgram is more than I learned in all my university studies.  The program “is made for me,”. I’m doing research yet making practical recommendations and am involved in issues of concern to society as a whole.”

    Adi Hachmon, class 2008-2010
    Adi Hachmon, class 2008-2010 Currenlty,working at the Ministry of Finance, budget department
  • "The Program selects young professionals with skyrocketing motivation and exceptional potential, places them in decision-making hubs and leads them through an intensive training process. The fellows program provides guidance, support and training that help integrate everyday challenges with research and theoretical knowledge. There is no other program in Israel that offers such a comprehensive and high-level opportunity.”

    Anat Arbel-Shamir, class 2008-2010
    Anat Arbel-Shamir, class 2008-2010 Currently, working at the Ministry of Economy at the Foreign Trade Administration