Gilad Brand
A multi-year fellow, Gilad interned in the Strategic Planning Division of the Ministry of Economy and in the President’s Office, where he was assigned to the president’s economic advisor. Over the course of the year, Brand conducted an empirical study of the Israeli labor market. The research – “Is the Israeli Economy Still Benefiting from a Growing Educated Workforce?” – focuses on the contribution the rise in human capital has made to higher productivity.
Prior to joining the Milken Fellows Program, Brand worked as an economist at the Macro Institute for Economic Policy Research. His work included conducting research and analyses of macroeconomic issues with a focus on Israel’s economy and the local labor market.
In the military, Brand served in a paratroopers communication platoon and in the 890th Battalion.
Brand holds a B.A. in economics and business administration from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and an M.A. in economics from the Bar Ilan University.
Brand worked as a researcher at the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel. Following worked at the Chief Economist office at the Ministry of Finance.
Currently works as researcher at the Bank of Israel.
Photo: Globes