Evaluation of the Status of the Implementation of the Bachar Report

This goal of this research is to analyze the implementation of the Bachar Committee Report, an effort to transform the Israeli capital markets. The analysis, current as of November 2012, focuses on the way that the committee’s recommendations have fared in light of a number of recent socio-economic events, both local and global in nature.

Gila Bronstein
As a fellow, Gila interned at the State Guarantees Department within the Accountant General's Office at the Ministry of Finance. Her research focused on government programs to assist banks in crisis, through creating an early warning system. She also evaluated the...
Maya Haran-Rozen
As a fellow, Maya interned in the Capital Markets, Insurance and Savings Division in the Ministry of Finance. Her research focused on alternative pension products for longevity risk and also evaluation of the status of the implementation of the Bachar...
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