An academic and practitioner at once, Dr. Yuklea has been directly involved for the last 40 years in the remarkable build-up process of the Israeli high-tech sector, his career ranging from technology development and engineering to marketing, management, consulting and investment.
Dr. Yuklea has held executive management positions at leading publicly traded hi-tech companies like Sapiens International Corp., Lannet Data Communications Ltd. and Fibronics Ltd. as well as at a series of technology start-ups such as XOsoft, Snapshield, OptoSTORAGE and Bacsoft and serves in the Board of Directors of several high-tech firms. He served as advisor to the Israeli National Economic Council, the Israel Innovation Authority and various international agencies such as EUREKA (EU), IADB (USA) and iCreate (India). He co-founded recently Quantum China-Israel Investment Ltd, a Chinese firm specialized in creating Israel-China technology joint ventures.
On the academic track Dr. Yuklea serves, in addition to his affiliation with the Hebrew University, Technion and the Tel Aviv University in Israel, as permanent visiting professor at several foreign universities including TUC Crete, SanAndres in Buenos Aires, ORTU Montevideo, IITGn and PDPU in India and Michigan State University in US, where he is teaching graduate courses in his field of academic expertise: Economics of Innovation, Entrepreneurial Finance and Entrepreneurial Policy Design. He is Academic Director of several programs in Entrepreneurship Formation for Youth in Israel and abroad.
Harry holds a MSEE from TUI, a MSM from Boston University and a PhD from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.