In a word, Jerusalem is unique.  It is at once a world-class brand, a paradox of every type, and the obsession of about one-quarter of the people on the planet.  It is also a city – a home to some 850 thousand people. And, Jerusalem is structurally insolvent. A joint venture with the Jerusalem Development Authority and the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, sets a goal to robust effort to leverage the region’s strengths, attract private investment, and increase the tax base sufficiently to overcome the budget deficit.

Steven Zecher
Steven Zecher
Steven Zecher is the project director the Milken Innovation Center at the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research. His work focuses on financing strategies with an emphasis on public-private-philanthropic capital structures. Zecher has extensive experience in urban and regional development policy,...
Glenn Yago
Glenn Yago
Glenn Yago is the Senior Director of the Milken Innovation Center at the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research and a Senior Fellow / Founder,Financial Innovations Labs® (Milken Institute-U.S). He is a leading authority on financial innovations, capital markets, emerging markets...
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